EECS 280 Lobster EECS 280Winter 2025 Looking for Fall 2024? Programming and Introductory Data Structures

Computer science fundamentals, with programming in C++. Build a satistical analysis tool, an image processing program, a Euchre card game, a machine learning algorithm, and a text editor. Analyze and implement foundational data structures.


We're glad you're interested in EECS 280 and hope to see you next term!

Flexible Lecture Policy

You may attend or engage with any, regardless of your official section registration.
Participation in live or async lecture is optionally worth 3% of your overall grade. We'll compute it both ways and take the higher. You can max out this credit even if you miss a few lectures.

Section 001
James Juett
Room TBD (Central)
James Juett
Live, in-person lecture.
Section 002
Saquib Razak
2505 GGBL (North)
Saquib Razak
Live, in-person lecture.
Section 003
Sofia Saleem
MW 12pm-1:30pm
Stamps Auditorium (North)
Sofia Saleem
Live, in-person lecture.
Section 004
Steve Bogaerts
1013 DOW (North)
Steve Bogaerts
Live, in-person lecture.
Section 005
Steve Bogaerts
1013 DOW (North)
Steve Bogaerts
Live, in-person lecture.
Section 006
James Juett
Asynchronous Lectures
Available Online
James Juett
Self-paced, interactive online lectures.
Recordings of live lectures are posted online in case you miss one or want to review.
Our Course Notes serve as a textbook and companion to lecture.

Lab Attendance (Required)

Labs are in-person exercises completed in small groups. Course staff facilitate lab sessions and are available for questions. Lab attendance is required for credit.

Please try to register for a section you can attend. We'll circulate a survey near the start of the Fall term where you can report any unresolvable scheduling conflicts.


ENGR 101 or ENGR 151 or EECS 180 or EECS 183 or ROB 102 with a minimum grade of "C". Prerequisites may be waived with transfer credit or a proficiency exam. Contact the CSE Advising Office in Beyster 2808 or at


We'll post a full course schedule closer to the start of the Fall term.