Computer science fundamentals, with programming in C++. Build a satistical analysis tool, an image processing program, a Euchre card game, a machine learning algorithm, and a text editor. Analyze and implement foundational data structures.
We're glad you're interested in EECS 280 and hope to see you next term!
Labs are in-person exercises completed in small groups. Course staff facilitate lab sessions and are available for questions. Lab attendance is required for credit.
Please try to register for a section you can attend. We'll circulate a survey near the start of the Fall term where you can report any unresolvable scheduling conflicts.
ENGR 101 or ENGR 151 or EECS 180 or EECS 183 or ROB 102 with a minimum grade of "C". Prerequisites may be waived with transfer credit or a proficiency exam. Contact the CSE Advising Office in Beyster 2808 or at