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EECS 280 Grade Calculator

Calculate your EECS 280 letter grade or explore what-if scenarios.

Walkthrough Video Watch Me!
Enter your raw score for each lab out of 5 points (or toggle full credit below).


out of

Overall Percent

Weighted Project Average
below the threshold to earn C or better (details)

Weighted Exam Average
below the threshold to earn C or better (details)

Final Grade
How is this calculated?
Overall Percent

Your overall percent is the weighted average of percent scores on each assignment, according to the weights given in the syllabus and shown in parentheses above, e.g. "Labs (5%)".

Minimum Score Thresholds

Your weighted project average and weighted exam average must meet the minimum pass thresholds given in the syllabus in order to earn a C or better. Otherwise, the highest final grade you may earn is C-.

Final Grade

Your final grade is determined according to the letter grade table from the syllabus, subject to the minimum pass thresholds.

Is grading curved?

Each exam is curved to account for variation in difficulty. See details below. Nothing else is curved. Final letter grades are determined according to the "straight scale" given in the syllabus.

Where are my scores posted?

Scores for all assignments are posted on Canvas. Enter those numbers here.

Can I use the grade calculator or what-if tool on Canvas? (No.)

Unfortunately, the grade computation and what-if tools on Canvas are misleading. Do not use them.

Exam Curving Curve Explanation Video Watch Me!

We curve using z-scores to transform the raw distribution toward a target mean and standard deviation. This results in a tighter distribution around a higher mean, while preserving its general shape.

See previous exams below as examples. We'll post updated distributions after each exam this term.


Your Scores

How is this calculated?

Calculate your curved exam score using a Z-score. The max curved score is 100%. We never "curve down", meaning we keep your raw score if it is higher than the curved score.


For example, let's say you scored 60% on an exam where mean=69% and stddev=17%. A typical curved mean and stddev are 81% and 9%, which makes the curved score 76%.

  Z_SCORE = (60% - 69%) / 17% = -0.529
  CURVE_SCORE = 9% * -0.529 + 81% = 76.239%

Where are my scores posted?

Your graded exam and raw score are on Gradescope. Use the calculator to compute your curved score.

We'll post your curved score on Canvas. It may take a few days for this to update or reflect regrades.